I am now at the point where I am seeing my doctor twice a month. I don't mind it all that much. I really like my doctor. He is awesome and he answers all my questions without feeling stupid. Baby's heartrate was slower this time around (about 144...it is usually in the 152 area), but the nurse said as long as it was above 120, we were good.
I talked to the doctor about what the lady at Miracle Within said about my fluid. I told him that had I been REALLY concerned about it, I would have called him last week and asked to be seen right away (which is NOT a lie). I told him that I knew that the lady was NOT my doctor and that I knew to take whatever she said with a grain of salt. I also told him that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if anything was wrong, they would have let me know by now. He told me that the people that run those places are NOT supposed to tell you anything about your pregnancy since they are not certified and practicing doctors. Made sense to me.
He went ahead and did a quick ultrasound just to be sure and baby's fluid was just fine. He told me the fluid level can vary from day to day and that as long as I don't feel a gush (I am guessing that would be the feeling of my water breaking) and baby is moving around, I am ok. Let me tell you, though, I drink enough water that Mike says I make a fish look like he is dehydrated. I think he is over exaggerating just slightly, but I do drink lots of water. It's really the only thing I do drink. 3 or 4 of those big sonic cups a day or more. I also learned today that the baby's amniotic fluid is his urine....GROSS!!
I am starting to swell in my ankles and feet. I can feel it. I can see it, too, but Mike says he can't tell a difference. I'm ready for this part of pregnancy to be over, too!
We had our baby caretaking class tonight. We learned about sponge bathing, swaddling, circumsition care, diapering, etc. I had Mike do most of the practice parts because I have had LOTS and LOTS of practice doing all those things with my cousins and babysitting. Daddy needed more practice than mommy! I wish I had taken our camera because Mike was cracking me up! I'm a little nervous about the breastfeeding because that is something you cannot practice until it is your own baby. That class is next week. Hopefully I get some good pointers.
7 weeks until Little Man Lewis arrives!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Pregnancy in a nutshell
I have had a good pregnancy. No complications. Everything has been normal and baby is healthy. I have gained weight, but it is all baby weight and should easily come off after he is here. Believe it or not, there are things I WILL miss about being pregnant. I thought that since I am thinking about it, I should make my lists!
**Ten things I will NOT miss about being pregnant:
1. Not drinking Dr. Pepper. I have not had a caffinated beverage since November and I am MISSING my Dr. Pepper.
2. Not being able to bend over. My husband is now having to put on my socks and shoes when we go walking. Makes me feel like a child.
3. Wearing out quickly..which I am told is ONLY preparing me for when he gets here.
4. Shortness of breath
5. Not being able to lay on my tummy in bed.
6. Feeling hungry ALL the time.
7. My back, legs, and feet hurting AND braxton hicks.
8. Mood swings
9. People asking me if I am having twins or asking me if I am about to pop OR giving me unsolicited advice.
10. Maternity clothes. They just DO NOT fit the same!
** Ten things I WILL miss about being pregnant:
1. Feeling his little movements.
2. Having a nap when I really need it.
3. Being able to have a day of doing absolutely NOTHING and not feeling guilty AT ALL!
4. Eating whatever I want (within reason) and not feeling guilty.
5. Knowing the feeling of how much I love someone that I have never met.
6. Little things that people do for you because you are pregnant..opening doors, lifting boxes, etc.
7. His ultrasounds
8. Hearing his heartbeat at the doctor.
9. Sleeping all night...although this has not really happend since I was about 10 weeks along!
10. Watching my tummy move all around.
I am sure that the blessing of him being here will melt away all these emotions I am having, only to bring about new ones!! I just can hardly wait!
**Ten things I will NOT miss about being pregnant:
1. Not drinking Dr. Pepper. I have not had a caffinated beverage since November and I am MISSING my Dr. Pepper.
2. Not being able to bend over. My husband is now having to put on my socks and shoes when we go walking. Makes me feel like a child.
3. Wearing out quickly..which I am told is ONLY preparing me for when he gets here.
4. Shortness of breath
5. Not being able to lay on my tummy in bed.
6. Feeling hungry ALL the time.
7. My back, legs, and feet hurting AND braxton hicks.
8. Mood swings
9. People asking me if I am having twins or asking me if I am about to pop OR giving me unsolicited advice.
10. Maternity clothes. They just DO NOT fit the same!
** Ten things I WILL miss about being pregnant:
1. Feeling his little movements.
2. Having a nap when I really need it.
3. Being able to have a day of doing absolutely NOTHING and not feeling guilty AT ALL!
4. Eating whatever I want (within reason) and not feeling guilty.
5. Knowing the feeling of how much I love someone that I have never met.
6. Little things that people do for you because you are pregnant..opening doors, lifting boxes, etc.
7. His ultrasounds
8. Hearing his heartbeat at the doctor.
9. Sleeping all night...although this has not really happend since I was about 10 weeks along!
10. Watching my tummy move all around.
I am sure that the blessing of him being here will melt away all these emotions I am having, only to bring about new ones!! I just can hardly wait!
The nesting continues...
I am 32 weeks pregnant this week, or 8 months. I don't know why they say you are pregnant for 9 months, it really is 10. We officially moved all of our old bedroom furniture into the baby's room (or I should say Mike moved it). Our room looks pretty empty, but Little Man's room is coming along nicely. I'm not stressed about getting it done. There is no reason to be. He will have what he needs when he gets here even if it is not "finished" and that is all that matters.
My new favorite hobby is garage sale shopping. I have gone the last 2 to 3 weeks and I think I am addicted. I'm finding lots of things for little man at prices I can actually afford and that makes this momma SO happy! And of course, daddy thinks it is great, too!
We are still making changes to our house. With my birthday (30 years old! Can you EVEN believe it?!!) coming up and a baby shower at our house in the next two weeks, we decided to make our house look like our home. Pictures are FINALLY being hung and we are in the process of purchasing new bedroom furniture. Exciting, yet exhausting!
Today we woke up to pouring rain. I am always thankful for the rain. Now anyway. Being a homeowner and having to pay to water your lawn changes your thoughts a lot about rain. We didn't have just rain, though. We had floods. Looking in our backyard, we really thought we were having a time of it. Until we turned on the tv and saw the news. The neighborhood down the street from us was completely flooded. Mike took the video camera and video taped it. He wanted me to go with him, but I thought it would be safer for me to stay home. He was gone for quite a long time and I started to get worried. I called his phone only to find that he left it at home. Of course, especially with RAGING hormones, I was NOT happy. I decided that if he didn't drown in one of the floods down the street, that I would just end up killing him when he got home. Needless to say, that didn't happen. :) We felt VERY blessed and fortunate that our house didn't get anymore water than it did. A neighborhood that we ARGUED over buying the house or not, ended up getting completely flooded. Mike admitted he was happy I won that argument. :)
Last Monday, we went to Miracle Within and got Little Man's pictures done. He is SOOO cute! We are still trying to decide if he looks like Mike or me. LOL! The lady doing our ultrasound told me that my fluid is on the low side, but not so low she would call my doctor. Momma did NOT like the sound of that AT ALL. I have been drinking water like crazy and my doctor appointment is on Wednesday of this week, so this is something that WILL be discussed.
I am so blessed!
My new favorite hobby is garage sale shopping. I have gone the last 2 to 3 weeks and I think I am addicted. I'm finding lots of things for little man at prices I can actually afford and that makes this momma SO happy! And of course, daddy thinks it is great, too!
We are still making changes to our house. With my birthday (30 years old! Can you EVEN believe it?!!) coming up and a baby shower at our house in the next two weeks, we decided to make our house look like our home. Pictures are FINALLY being hung and we are in the process of purchasing new bedroom furniture. Exciting, yet exhausting!
Today we woke up to pouring rain. I am always thankful for the rain. Now anyway. Being a homeowner and having to pay to water your lawn changes your thoughts a lot about rain. We didn't have just rain, though. We had floods. Looking in our backyard, we really thought we were having a time of it. Until we turned on the tv and saw the news. The neighborhood down the street from us was completely flooded. Mike took the video camera and video taped it. He wanted me to go with him, but I thought it would be safer for me to stay home. He was gone for quite a long time and I started to get worried. I called his phone only to find that he left it at home. Of course, especially with RAGING hormones, I was NOT happy. I decided that if he didn't drown in one of the floods down the street, that I would just end up killing him when he got home. Needless to say, that didn't happen. :) We felt VERY blessed and fortunate that our house didn't get anymore water than it did. A neighborhood that we ARGUED over buying the house or not, ended up getting completely flooded. Mike admitted he was happy I won that argument. :)
Last Monday, we went to Miracle Within and got Little Man's pictures done. He is SOOO cute! We are still trying to decide if he looks like Mike or me. LOL! The lady doing our ultrasound told me that my fluid is on the low side, but not so low she would call my doctor. Momma did NOT like the sound of that AT ALL. I have been drinking water like crazy and my doctor appointment is on Wednesday of this week, so this is something that WILL be discussed.
I am so blessed!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Pregnancy hormones and MAJOR melt downs..
Baby brain has really not been my friend. I don't believe it is anybody's friend, but it really irritates me. Those of you who know me well, know that I am ALMOST a human calendar and phone book. Mom used to ask me "Who's birthday is this month?" or "What is so and so's phone number?" I feel my remembering powers slip through my hands. Makes me sad!
My last week at the music studio, I had to fill out THREE performance sheets for my students because I kept misplacing them....IRRITATING!! Not only is it irritating, but it is also embarrassing to have to call students or their parents over and over and say, "Would you please tell me again the day, time, and what you are performing..? " (YOUR TEACHER IS LOSING HER MIND!!!)
Just last night, I was babysitting for a friend and was giving her my mom's cell phone number for contact for helping with a baby shower. I have called my mom's cell phone by heart for the last 10 years. When I went to tell her what it was, I gave her half my mom's number and half my husband's. When I said it, it didn't sound right, but for the life of me, I could NOT remember my mom's number. I had to find it in my cell phone. Again, Embarrassing!
As most of you know, I have been collecting addresses for a long time. Not just for baby shower purposes, but also birthday cards, Christmas cards, birth announcements...I mean really, I have never sent out Christmas cards, but it is time to! It takes a long time to collect all of this information. I started early. Bought an address book and started organzing it and feeling pretty good about it. I also have this red bag I carry around. I usually carry my snacks, calendar, reading material, an umbrella, etc. in that bag. Lately, I have carried my address book. This is just so I KNOW where it is. Well, I went looking for it today in my red bag and it was NOT in there. I KNOW that is where I saw it last. I panic. I'm NOT going to get 3 months worth of information from people today. It just isn't going to happen. SO, what is the logical thing to do? Call the hubby, blame him, and ask him where he put it (he moves stuff or "puts things away" alot).
He has NO idea where it is. "Is it in your car?" Is it on your dresser?" NO!! It is not! I am now in the process of crying real and big tears. Not just tears streaming down my face, but blubbering like an idiot. He's trying to console me, but it is not working. I find the address book as I am crying to him on the phone telling him that I am screwed....ALL that work for nothing! I find the address book in the pull out part of our desk. Through my tears I am telling him I found it. He asks me where, but I can't answer. I have to get off the phone. I cry for another ten minutes or so, just because I feel so stupid, but then I know it is baby brain. After I calm down, I sit down to write this blog. Moments like this I don't want to forget...for some reason. :) Mike calls me back and asks where it was and I tell him. He chuckles. And it makes me want to cry all over again.
Please tell me that SOMEDAY I will be normal again!
My last week at the music studio, I had to fill out THREE performance sheets for my students because I kept misplacing them....IRRITATING!! Not only is it irritating, but it is also embarrassing to have to call students or their parents over and over and say, "Would you please tell me again the day, time, and what you are performing..? " (YOUR TEACHER IS LOSING HER MIND!!!)
Just last night, I was babysitting for a friend and was giving her my mom's cell phone number for contact for helping with a baby shower. I have called my mom's cell phone by heart for the last 10 years. When I went to tell her what it was, I gave her half my mom's number and half my husband's. When I said it, it didn't sound right, but for the life of me, I could NOT remember my mom's number. I had to find it in my cell phone. Again, Embarrassing!
As most of you know, I have been collecting addresses for a long time. Not just for baby shower purposes, but also birthday cards, Christmas cards, birth announcements...I mean really, I have never sent out Christmas cards, but it is time to! It takes a long time to collect all of this information. I started early. Bought an address book and started organzing it and feeling pretty good about it. I also have this red bag I carry around. I usually carry my snacks, calendar, reading material, an umbrella, etc. in that bag. Lately, I have carried my address book. This is just so I KNOW where it is. Well, I went looking for it today in my red bag and it was NOT in there. I KNOW that is where I saw it last. I panic. I'm NOT going to get 3 months worth of information from people today. It just isn't going to happen. SO, what is the logical thing to do? Call the hubby, blame him, and ask him where he put it (he moves stuff or "puts things away" alot).
He has NO idea where it is. "Is it in your car?" Is it on your dresser?" NO!! It is not! I am now in the process of crying real and big tears. Not just tears streaming down my face, but blubbering like an idiot. He's trying to console me, but it is not working. I find the address book as I am crying to him on the phone telling him that I am screwed....ALL that work for nothing! I find the address book in the pull out part of our desk. Through my tears I am telling him I found it. He asks me where, but I can't answer. I have to get off the phone. I cry for another ten minutes or so, just because I feel so stupid, but then I know it is baby brain. After I calm down, I sit down to write this blog. Moments like this I don't want to forget...for some reason. :) Mike calls me back and asks where it was and I tell him. He chuckles. And it makes me want to cry all over again.
Please tell me that SOMEDAY I will be normal again!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Birthing Classes
We started our birthing class this evening. Pretty uneventful. The powerpoint wasn't up and running, so we read through a few pages of our booklet, discussed the onset of labor, how the baby is supposed to come out, and what happens if baby is not in correct position to come out. The nurse talked to us about timing contractions, water breakage, and the 3 stages of labor. We also learned about different exercises to do in order to prepare our body for labor. We have homework this week. We are to read in our books and I am to start the exercises.
The last few weeks have been busy with working, my cousin Kali's graduation, Memorial Day, our nephew Layton being born, and preparing for cousin Sarah's wedding, then baby. We were supposed to go to Kansas this weekend to visit Layton, but he ended up getting very sick and was in the hospital over Memorial Day weekend. He is doing much better now and is home. We were also supposed to have Mike's twin brother's family at our house, but that didn't work out, either. We went to my grandma's the Sunday before Memorial Day, went to church with the family, had lunch, went to grandpas' grave, great-grandpa's grave, then came home. Pretty uneventful. So now, my house is pretty spotless, I'm done with work for now, but surprisingly, I am not finding myself getting bored.
This weekend should be pretty slow, but then the following weekends will be packed with wedding showers, baby showers, birthdays, etc. so I am going to relish in the rest and relaxation while I can. I did find a dress for my cousin's wedding, so I am pretty pumped about that. Just hoping now that Little Man Lewis will stay in there long enough for me to be able to wear it!
Baby is moving around A LOT more lately. I LOVE it! We can now see him move through my belly. We bought a video camera so hopefully we can catch some of the movement on film. I need to take my monthly belly picture...SOON! We also have scheduled his 3-D ultrasound pictures, maternity pictures, and then newborn pics when he gets here. These few months have been the slowest, yet fastest months I have ever had in my life. Does that even make sense? It seems like forever until he will be here, but it's not really that long. I am 30 weeks this week! There is LOTS to do and I am sitting here blogging! lol! I know I will appreciate it one of these days!
The last few weeks have been busy with working, my cousin Kali's graduation, Memorial Day, our nephew Layton being born, and preparing for cousin Sarah's wedding, then baby. We were supposed to go to Kansas this weekend to visit Layton, but he ended up getting very sick and was in the hospital over Memorial Day weekend. He is doing much better now and is home. We were also supposed to have Mike's twin brother's family at our house, but that didn't work out, either. We went to my grandma's the Sunday before Memorial Day, went to church with the family, had lunch, went to grandpas' grave, great-grandpa's grave, then came home. Pretty uneventful. So now, my house is pretty spotless, I'm done with work for now, but surprisingly, I am not finding myself getting bored.
This weekend should be pretty slow, but then the following weekends will be packed with wedding showers, baby showers, birthdays, etc. so I am going to relish in the rest and relaxation while I can. I did find a dress for my cousin's wedding, so I am pretty pumped about that. Just hoping now that Little Man Lewis will stay in there long enough for me to be able to wear it!
Baby is moving around A LOT more lately. I LOVE it! We can now see him move through my belly. We bought a video camera so hopefully we can catch some of the movement on film. I need to take my monthly belly picture...SOON! We also have scheduled his 3-D ultrasound pictures, maternity pictures, and then newborn pics when he gets here. These few months have been the slowest, yet fastest months I have ever had in my life. Does that even make sense? It seems like forever until he will be here, but it's not really that long. I am 30 weeks this week! There is LOTS to do and I am sitting here blogging! lol! I know I will appreciate it one of these days!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Everything Great in Babyland!
I had not one, but TWO appointments this week. The one I had yesterday was an ultrasound, so I was able to see my baby for the second time. When I first saw his profile in 2d I told Mike that the baby looks like him. HE thought the baby looked liked me! lol! Mom said he looked like me, too. Then they showed us a 4d view of his face. My first reaction was that he looked like me, but the more I looked, I saw Mike. SO, little man looks like BOTH of his parents. This is a good thing.:)
I got to thinking that my baby looked kinda alien like on the ultrasound, then like any NORMAL mother, I started panicking that I was going to have an ugly baby. After talking to several moms, I have found that everyone thinks that and that even right after they are born, moms are terrified at how their baby looks. SO, knowing this, I felt better. :)
Today's appointment was good, too. I did not test positive for gestational diabetes....YAY, I can still eat ice cream, but I have gained ANOTHER 7 pounds!! I cannot figure out where the weight is going! I was told I am still ok and that since I am not swollen, I don't need to worry about my weight. I was also visited with about my blood type. I have a blood type that only 15% of the population has which is A-. They explained that with this blood type, my body could build antibodies against this baby, which would affect future pregnancies. SO, I got a shot to protect this baby and then I will get another shot after he is born. If his blood type is different than mine, he will get a shot before going home. If it is the same, there is no issue. Ok, so I got that taken care of. The nurse was impressed by how well I take my shots!! lol! It's not that I am ok with them, or they don't hurt, it's just that I have figured if I stay relaxed, they don't hurt as bad getting them and then they don't hurt as much later on. So, NO, I do not enjoy them, I've just learned to deal with them.
Daddy has been working on Baby Lewis's room. We are going to do a "sports" theme. He has painted the room a two tone, with khaki on top and navy blue on the bottom. When it dries, he is going to put up a white trim. I think it will look so cute when it is all done! Pictures to come!
I got to thinking that my baby looked kinda alien like on the ultrasound, then like any NORMAL mother, I started panicking that I was going to have an ugly baby. After talking to several moms, I have found that everyone thinks that and that even right after they are born, moms are terrified at how their baby looks. SO, knowing this, I felt better. :)
Today's appointment was good, too. I did not test positive for gestational diabetes....YAY, I can still eat ice cream, but I have gained ANOTHER 7 pounds!! I cannot figure out where the weight is going! I was told I am still ok and that since I am not swollen, I don't need to worry about my weight. I was also visited with about my blood type. I have a blood type that only 15% of the population has which is A-. They explained that with this blood type, my body could build antibodies against this baby, which would affect future pregnancies. SO, I got a shot to protect this baby and then I will get another shot after he is born. If his blood type is different than mine, he will get a shot before going home. If it is the same, there is no issue. Ok, so I got that taken care of. The nurse was impressed by how well I take my shots!! lol! It's not that I am ok with them, or they don't hurt, it's just that I have figured if I stay relaxed, they don't hurt as bad getting them and then they don't hurt as much later on. So, NO, I do not enjoy them, I've just learned to deal with them.
Daddy has been working on Baby Lewis's room. We are going to do a "sports" theme. He has painted the room a two tone, with khaki on top and navy blue on the bottom. When it dries, he is going to put up a white trim. I think it will look so cute when it is all done! Pictures to come!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Very busy weekend
This was a busy weekend at the Lewis household. The hubby is off from work this week, but is studying for finals. I pray he does well. He has put a lot of time and effort into this semester and he deserves to do well. God will bless his efforts.
Mom, dad, and I went to Ponca City yesterday to watch my cousin Sarah graduate with an Associates from Northern Oklahoma College. She will continue schooling in the fall. It was a great time of celebration and another great excuse to go and visit my family!
Mom and I went today to Babies 'R Us to begin registering for a few things for little Baby Evan. I personally hate registering for stuff. I have no idea what I need and I am indecisive about what I like. I am also very overwhelmed about all the choices I have. I did register for a few things, though. I picked out a high chair and a pack and play and a few other small things...just to get started. Hopefully, as I talk to people and go to different stores, what I need and what I like will become more apparent.
Yesterday would have been my grandpa's birthday. He would have been 73. We still miss him. Tomorrow is my Uncle Brad's birthday. He is going to be 40. Strange that 40 doesn't sound so old anymore! He had to remind me at Christmas that it was my last Christmas in my 20's since I will be 30 next month! NEXT MONTH! Holy COW! It's all good! My 30's will be better than my 20's (from what I have heard).
The next few weeks will not be any slower. We have several events coming up between more graduations, wedding showers, and baby showers, weddings, and then baby! I am so excited and so scared to death at the same time. Life as I know it will be over and my heart will now be on the OUTSIDE of my body and I will worry myself sick about my little guy. OH! The pleasures of motherhood!
SO BLESSED beyond measure! Thank you, Jesus!
Mom, dad, and I went to Ponca City yesterday to watch my cousin Sarah graduate with an Associates from Northern Oklahoma College. She will continue schooling in the fall. It was a great time of celebration and another great excuse to go and visit my family!
Mom and I went today to Babies 'R Us to begin registering for a few things for little Baby Evan. I personally hate registering for stuff. I have no idea what I need and I am indecisive about what I like. I am also very overwhelmed about all the choices I have. I did register for a few things, though. I picked out a high chair and a pack and play and a few other small things...just to get started. Hopefully, as I talk to people and go to different stores, what I need and what I like will become more apparent.
Yesterday would have been my grandpa's birthday. He would have been 73. We still miss him. Tomorrow is my Uncle Brad's birthday. He is going to be 40. Strange that 40 doesn't sound so old anymore! He had to remind me at Christmas that it was my last Christmas in my 20's since I will be 30 next month! NEXT MONTH! Holy COW! It's all good! My 30's will be better than my 20's (from what I have heard).
The next few weeks will not be any slower. We have several events coming up between more graduations, wedding showers, and baby showers, weddings, and then baby! I am so excited and so scared to death at the same time. Life as I know it will be over and my heart will now be on the OUTSIDE of my body and I will worry myself sick about my little guy. OH! The pleasures of motherhood!
SO BLESSED beyond measure! Thank you, Jesus!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Feeling baby move!
My parents were over at our house about a week ago and my mom felt the baby move for the first time! It was very exciting! He only bumped once, but it was there!
On Saturday, while Mike was busy painting in the kitchen, I started feeling baby move A LOT! Usually, when daddy touches me, baby stops moving, but I just told Mike to sit and wait and be patient and little one kicked for daddy, too!
We are loving these little milestones! It is so exciting! I love feeling Mr. Man move around!
On Saturday, while Mike was busy painting in the kitchen, I started feeling baby move A LOT! Usually, when daddy touches me, baby stops moving, but I just told Mike to sit and wait and be patient and little one kicked for daddy, too!
We are loving these little milestones! It is so exciting! I love feeling Mr. Man move around!
Something on my Heart...
Just these past few months, especially with having a baby on the way, I have really been thinking about priorities. This includes God, family, work, friends, etc. and I am really, not struggling, but just questioning myself on what is important to me in my life.
I LOVE my job! Sure, there are things about it that I don't really "like", but I enjoy what I do. I really enjoy my kids, I enjoy the people I work with, I enjoy what I teach, being able to make SOME money, and getting myself out of the house for a couple of hours! BUT, there are things that I miss out on. Like tonight. My home church (where my parents still attend church) is hosting a dinner for women, which I have to miss because I have to "work" this evening. An evening in May, some former students of mine have invited me to attend their spring band concert. I would LOVE to see these students and hear them perform, but again, it's a night that I have to work.
Again, do not get me wrong, I love what I do, but I also miss out on a lot and I question myself on if it is really worth it or not. Missing making memories with my mom with a group of wonderful ladies who I LOVE and have not seen in ages because life gets away from me. Missing out on former students' accomplishments and seeing how far they have come in the last year, which I feel that I had SOME impact on who they become...
It's just hard. Some people are willing to sacrifice EVERYTHING for their job. I guess it's because they view their job as not really a job, but their life. That is ok for some people, but not ok for me. Missing their kid's programs at school because it doesn't "fit" into the work schedule? Just one example I have heard. Not reading with your child at night because you have to make wine? Something else I have heard. Being a teacher, I have heard it ALL and it is RIDICULOUS!
Work is important. I believe in a good work ethic, I believe in doing a good job and doing the best you can at what you do. I believe God gives us talents that He wants us to use to help someone else learn and grow. God provides for us when we work. Work is good for us. It builds character, gives us a sense of pride, and God asks us to work and not be lazy. Has society placed so much emphasis on work that we have forgotten what is truly important? When did it become more important to work than to spend time with your family? To go see your child's program? To go have dinner with your mom and the church ladies? See the struggle?
I know what is important to me. I have to make some changes. Yes, I will more than likely be a working mom someday, but my family comes first. Not my job. The memories I will make with my family will last me a lifetime, while the paycheck lasts about a week. Adjustments can be made. I just pray that when the right time comes for me to go to work after Baby Lewis is born, God provides me with something that is extremely flexible. It's not even about money at all. Not at this point. God does provide when you completely trust HIM to do it. Just be faithful to Him and His word and miracles DO happen.
I challenge you to think about where your priorties are. Remember the movie CLICK? How he worked and slaved to get a head, only to miss out on what was important? I don't want to end up like that and I don't think you do, either. Take a step back, look at your life, and make sure you are doing what is important. God will show you. Just trust HIM!
I LOVE my job! Sure, there are things about it that I don't really "like", but I enjoy what I do. I really enjoy my kids, I enjoy the people I work with, I enjoy what I teach, being able to make SOME money, and getting myself out of the house for a couple of hours! BUT, there are things that I miss out on. Like tonight. My home church (where my parents still attend church) is hosting a dinner for women, which I have to miss because I have to "work" this evening. An evening in May, some former students of mine have invited me to attend their spring band concert. I would LOVE to see these students and hear them perform, but again, it's a night that I have to work.
Again, do not get me wrong, I love what I do, but I also miss out on a lot and I question myself on if it is really worth it or not. Missing making memories with my mom with a group of wonderful ladies who I LOVE and have not seen in ages because life gets away from me. Missing out on former students' accomplishments and seeing how far they have come in the last year, which I feel that I had SOME impact on who they become...
It's just hard. Some people are willing to sacrifice EVERYTHING for their job. I guess it's because they view their job as not really a job, but their life. That is ok for some people, but not ok for me. Missing their kid's programs at school because it doesn't "fit" into the work schedule? Just one example I have heard. Not reading with your child at night because you have to make wine? Something else I have heard. Being a teacher, I have heard it ALL and it is RIDICULOUS!
Work is important. I believe in a good work ethic, I believe in doing a good job and doing the best you can at what you do. I believe God gives us talents that He wants us to use to help someone else learn and grow. God provides for us when we work. Work is good for us. It builds character, gives us a sense of pride, and God asks us to work and not be lazy. Has society placed so much emphasis on work that we have forgotten what is truly important? When did it become more important to work than to spend time with your family? To go see your child's program? To go have dinner with your mom and the church ladies? See the struggle?
I know what is important to me. I have to make some changes. Yes, I will more than likely be a working mom someday, but my family comes first. Not my job. The memories I will make with my family will last me a lifetime, while the paycheck lasts about a week. Adjustments can be made. I just pray that when the right time comes for me to go to work after Baby Lewis is born, God provides me with something that is extremely flexible. It's not even about money at all. Not at this point. God does provide when you completely trust HIM to do it. Just be faithful to Him and His word and miracles DO happen.
I challenge you to think about where your priorties are. Remember the movie CLICK? How he worked and slaved to get a head, only to miss out on what was important? I don't want to end up like that and I don't think you do, either. Take a step back, look at your life, and make sure you are doing what is important. God will show you. Just trust HIM!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Haven't blogged in awhile!
Hey! I haven't forgotten about blogging, but in between remodeling the bathroom, remodeling the kitchen, tax season, changing doctors, Easter, planning for a garage sale, working, Mike being in school, my job moving buildings and planning for little Evan, life has gotten hectic and time has gotten away from us. I've been told it doesn't slow down after the baby gets here, so I am learning to embrace my new reality.
I went to my new doctor today. We are now going to see Dr. Goff at Mercy hospital. Mom went with me to my appointment today because Mike had to work. The first thing I noticed about being there was how attentive, kind, and just so down to earth the nurses were. They didn't snear when I asked a question and were very calm and polite with me. This made me more relaxed...that is for sure. Dr. Goff was the same way. I REALLY liked my first impression of him and mom and I left happy. I told Mike he would like him, too.
Baby Evan is great! Found out TODAY that my ultrasound results were good. WHAT A RELIEF! I am also supposed to drink this orange liquid stuff to get tested for gestational diabetes sometime next week. I also was told that I look really good for being in this stage of my pregnancy. I haven't gained too much weight, my blood pressure is good, and everything checked out..and of course we heard baby's heartbeat again! I LOVE that!
I actually had TWO doctors appointments today. Last week, I went to a new family doctor to get a mole checked on my back. It had never bothered me before, but it started itching. So, I went to have it checked and they ended up removing it. They stitched it and today I had to go and get the stitch removed. They also removed this wart looking thing off my arm. Neither procedure was painful, I was just more concerned with baby. The mole was benign, which I figured it would be, but I wanted to be safe. Nothing like spending an entire morning at two doctors appointments!
Next week, I will be at week 24. 6 months pregnant! I cannot believe how time has flown! After Mike gets the kitchen done and we have our garage sale, baby's room is next! E-man will be here before we know it! We're so excited and scared to death at the same time!
I have been taking pictures of the kitchen remodel and my growing belly. I need to get some posted to the blog! The next blog I will post pictures. :)
I went to my new doctor today. We are now going to see Dr. Goff at Mercy hospital. Mom went with me to my appointment today because Mike had to work. The first thing I noticed about being there was how attentive, kind, and just so down to earth the nurses were. They didn't snear when I asked a question and were very calm and polite with me. This made me more relaxed...that is for sure. Dr. Goff was the same way. I REALLY liked my first impression of him and mom and I left happy. I told Mike he would like him, too.
Baby Evan is great! Found out TODAY that my ultrasound results were good. WHAT A RELIEF! I am also supposed to drink this orange liquid stuff to get tested for gestational diabetes sometime next week. I also was told that I look really good for being in this stage of my pregnancy. I haven't gained too much weight, my blood pressure is good, and everything checked out..and of course we heard baby's heartbeat again! I LOVE that!
I actually had TWO doctors appointments today. Last week, I went to a new family doctor to get a mole checked on my back. It had never bothered me before, but it started itching. So, I went to have it checked and they ended up removing it. They stitched it and today I had to go and get the stitch removed. They also removed this wart looking thing off my arm. Neither procedure was painful, I was just more concerned with baby. The mole was benign, which I figured it would be, but I wanted to be safe. Nothing like spending an entire morning at two doctors appointments!
Next week, I will be at week 24. 6 months pregnant! I cannot believe how time has flown! After Mike gets the kitchen done and we have our garage sale, baby's room is next! E-man will be here before we know it! We're so excited and scared to death at the same time!
I have been taking pictures of the kitchen remodel and my growing belly. I need to get some posted to the blog! The next blog I will post pictures. :)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Lots happening to the Lewis's Lately

Spring is in full swing at the Lewis house. There is never a dull moment! I am back to subbing pretty much every day now and my husband is finishing up his Spring Semester of school. He still has about a month to go. Mike finished the painting of our guest bathroom about a week ago and I am still working on finishing touches. The next project is the kitchen. The above pictures show the before and after. I took pics of the whole process, but for viewing sake I chose just these few.
I have also decided to change doctors this month. After lots of consideration and prayer, Mike and I decided it was best for us and our baby to change doctors and deliver at another hospital. I was going to deliver at Lakeside Women's Hospital, but decided to go to Mercy Hospital instead. We had been having some issues with Lakeside, such as, not good bedside manner from the nurses and the accountants getting our bills wrong. My last appointment we were told that we would hear from the doctor herself or one of her nurses the Monday following our first ultrasound. As I am sitting here typing this, I still have not heard ANYTHING about my son's first ultrasound. I assume no news is good news, BUT, don't tell me something is going to happen and then it doesn't. If you tell me I am going to get a phone call, that is what I expect to happen. So, Dr. Doeden will not deliver my baby (even though I LOVE her), he will be delivered at Mercy by Dr. Goff.
Also, we are playing the "name game" now. Our original decision was to name the baby Evan Michael if it was a boy and Emily Marie if it was a girl. Well, we were told we are having a boy, but now mommy doesn't know if she REALLY wants to name her son Evan. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the name, but I hear other names I like too...such as Easton. So now, mommy, daddy, and anyone else who puts in their two sense are trying to come up with a name we like better than Evan. I'm almost POSITIVE that we will go with the first name that we liked and we still call the baby Evan, but you know how mommy likes to "shop around"! So, eventually this baby will have a name and not be going through an identity crisis...poor little guy!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Evan Michael Lewis is on his way!
We had our first ultrasound yesterday and I was VERY nervous. I don't know why I was so nervous, but I was.
When I walked into the room, the first thing I noticed was that it was FREEZING! I have been very hot natured lately, so I knew it was cold in there. Add this to the fact that I had on spring clothes and had to have a full bladder for the procedure....momma was miserable!
I laid on the bed and got situated and they put the doppler on me and I saw my baby for the first time since I was 10 weeks pregnant. Boy, had things changed! He looks like like an actually baby and not a pea pod! Momma cried a little bit. Then I started shivering, which was miserable. Part of it was nerves, part of it was being cold. Mom placed both our jackets on me and they put a sheet over me, too. That warmed me up and caused me to want to fall asleep! I also noticed that if I watched the screen, I shivered. If I looked at the wall, I was calm. WEIRD!
The doctor took the pictures they needed. Little Evan was kicking up a storm! Some of which I could feel. There were a few times I had to lay on my side so the doctor could get better views of this and that. Then the doctor asked if we wanted to know the sex. We all said yes! She asked me, then Mike then my mom what we thought it was. Mom said girl, Mike said boy, and I told her I thought girl from the beginning, but lately I had been leaning towards boy. Then I looked up at the screen and noticed something that resembled a little boy part. I looked at the doctor and said, "I'm having a boy, aren't I?" She told us yes! Mom stood there in disbelief and then became overjoyed, Mike was just as excited as all get out going....YES YES YES!!! Me, I had mixed feelings about it. I was happy, but at the same time, my heart desired a daughter.
I am totally pumped, elated, excited, and overjoyed about having a son! Now anyway. Mike was calling of his brothers, sister, mom, and step mom to tell them the good news and momma was letting it sink in. It's not that I didn't want a son, but you have to understand the relationship that MY mom and I have. My mom is my best friend, next to Mike. We talk about everything, have same personalities (pretty much, we are different in some ways), etc. Mike calls us two peas on a pod. I think this is why I wanted a daughter so badly. I wanted to have with a daughter what my mom and I have. So, knowing I was having a boy, it made me sad.
God has an incredible sense of humor. Mom went back to work and Mike and I went to go eat lunch at Chick-Fil-A in Edmond. It was PACKED!!! There were tons and tons of little kids there. I watched the kids...not trying to be judgemental or anything, but because of what I was experiencing inside of me and knowing how I felt about the news I had just heard. I noticed that tbe boys were incrediblly adorable! Very calm for the most part and loving on their mommas. The girls were not so cute! Most of them were crying, throwing fits, acting like spoiled brats even. At one point, someone's daughter threw food and it landed right on our table! Of course the parents were totally embarrased (poor souls) and I told them not to worry about it. I knew what God was trying to show me and I knew that I needed to listen.
When I got home, I went to facebook to make the announcement about little Evan Michael. I was still struggling with being thrilled with the news. I sat here at the computer and was still dreaming about what it would be like to know I was having a girl. Mike came into me and tears just started streaming down my face. Then of course, momma feels SO GUILTY! As I am crying and Mike is holding me, I look at him and tell him that I am the worst person in the world. He of course tells me that I am not. I tell him I am horrible because there are SO many women who would LOVE to be in my position right now. SO many women want babies that can't get pregnant. SO many women would love to find out they are having a healthy baby boy and I am sitting here blubbering like an awful person! This makes me cry even harder because I do feel so bad about it.
I start feeling little Evan moving inside of me. It was so precious! "Hey mommy!" He's saying to me. "What is up with the tears?! " "Mommy, I'm going to be so wrapped around your finger you won't know what to do with yourself!" "I love you, mommy!" Makes me tear up just sitting here typing about it. I've heard that boys LOVE their mommas! I have this feeling that my heart will be on the OUTSIDE of my body once little Evan gets here and never to return.
Later on that night we went to my parents' house to watch OSU basketball (of course). I was so tired from my day and had a headache. I ate some pizza and felt a little better. I think Evan likes all food because he moves around every time I eat! Mike and I had already picked out Evan's name, but we were throwing names around and cracking ourselves up with names that would go, or sound totally horrible, with the last name Lewis. Pretty hysterical! Then Mike called Evan "E-man" just out of the blue. Mom and I looked at each other and we both LOVED it! So now, our babie's nickname will probably be E-man. SO FUN!
I am now soooo excited about my little Evan. Took mommy a little while to get used to the idea, but I love him so much! I'm ready to go shop for all his little stuff. I am excited to watch and see my baby boy grow up to be a wonderful Godly, Christian man just like his daddy! I hope God does wonderful things with his life and that Evan desires nothing else but to glorify the one who made him. What an awesome responsibility I have to make sure that he grows up knowing God, knowing Jesus as his saviour, and doing things that God gives him the desire of his heart to do. WOW! Thank you, Jesus, for my baby boy!
P.S. We are hoping at our next appointment, Evan will be still long enough to get a picture of his "manhood"! LOL! We could see it on the screen, but we were not able to "capture" anything this time! We will have some explaining to do later in his life. LOL!
When I walked into the room, the first thing I noticed was that it was FREEZING! I have been very hot natured lately, so I knew it was cold in there. Add this to the fact that I had on spring clothes and had to have a full bladder for the procedure....momma was miserable!
I laid on the bed and got situated and they put the doppler on me and I saw my baby for the first time since I was 10 weeks pregnant. Boy, had things changed! He looks like like an actually baby and not a pea pod! Momma cried a little bit. Then I started shivering, which was miserable. Part of it was nerves, part of it was being cold. Mom placed both our jackets on me and they put a sheet over me, too. That warmed me up and caused me to want to fall asleep! I also noticed that if I watched the screen, I shivered. If I looked at the wall, I was calm. WEIRD!
The doctor took the pictures they needed. Little Evan was kicking up a storm! Some of which I could feel. There were a few times I had to lay on my side so the doctor could get better views of this and that. Then the doctor asked if we wanted to know the sex. We all said yes! She asked me, then Mike then my mom what we thought it was. Mom said girl, Mike said boy, and I told her I thought girl from the beginning, but lately I had been leaning towards boy. Then I looked up at the screen and noticed something that resembled a little boy part. I looked at the doctor and said, "I'm having a boy, aren't I?" She told us yes! Mom stood there in disbelief and then became overjoyed, Mike was just as excited as all get out going....YES YES YES!!! Me, I had mixed feelings about it. I was happy, but at the same time, my heart desired a daughter.
I am totally pumped, elated, excited, and overjoyed about having a son! Now anyway. Mike was calling of his brothers, sister, mom, and step mom to tell them the good news and momma was letting it sink in. It's not that I didn't want a son, but you have to understand the relationship that MY mom and I have. My mom is my best friend, next to Mike. We talk about everything, have same personalities (pretty much, we are different in some ways), etc. Mike calls us two peas on a pod. I think this is why I wanted a daughter so badly. I wanted to have with a daughter what my mom and I have. So, knowing I was having a boy, it made me sad.
God has an incredible sense of humor. Mom went back to work and Mike and I went to go eat lunch at Chick-Fil-A in Edmond. It was PACKED!!! There were tons and tons of little kids there. I watched the kids...not trying to be judgemental or anything, but because of what I was experiencing inside of me and knowing how I felt about the news I had just heard. I noticed that tbe boys were incrediblly adorable! Very calm for the most part and loving on their mommas. The girls were not so cute! Most of them were crying, throwing fits, acting like spoiled brats even. At one point, someone's daughter threw food and it landed right on our table! Of course the parents were totally embarrased (poor souls) and I told them not to worry about it. I knew what God was trying to show me and I knew that I needed to listen.
When I got home, I went to facebook to make the announcement about little Evan Michael. I was still struggling with being thrilled with the news. I sat here at the computer and was still dreaming about what it would be like to know I was having a girl. Mike came into me and tears just started streaming down my face. Then of course, momma feels SO GUILTY! As I am crying and Mike is holding me, I look at him and tell him that I am the worst person in the world. He of course tells me that I am not. I tell him I am horrible because there are SO many women who would LOVE to be in my position right now. SO many women want babies that can't get pregnant. SO many women would love to find out they are having a healthy baby boy and I am sitting here blubbering like an awful person! This makes me cry even harder because I do feel so bad about it.
I start feeling little Evan moving inside of me. It was so precious! "Hey mommy!" He's saying to me. "What is up with the tears?! " "Mommy, I'm going to be so wrapped around your finger you won't know what to do with yourself!" "I love you, mommy!" Makes me tear up just sitting here typing about it. I've heard that boys LOVE their mommas! I have this feeling that my heart will be on the OUTSIDE of my body once little Evan gets here and never to return.
Later on that night we went to my parents' house to watch OSU basketball (of course). I was so tired from my day and had a headache. I ate some pizza and felt a little better. I think Evan likes all food because he moves around every time I eat! Mike and I had already picked out Evan's name, but we were throwing names around and cracking ourselves up with names that would go, or sound totally horrible, with the last name Lewis. Pretty hysterical! Then Mike called Evan "E-man" just out of the blue. Mom and I looked at each other and we both LOVED it! So now, our babie's nickname will probably be E-man. SO FUN!
I am now soooo excited about my little Evan. Took mommy a little while to get used to the idea, but I love him so much! I'm ready to go shop for all his little stuff. I am excited to watch and see my baby boy grow up to be a wonderful Godly, Christian man just like his daddy! I hope God does wonderful things with his life and that Evan desires nothing else but to glorify the one who made him. What an awesome responsibility I have to make sure that he grows up knowing God, knowing Jesus as his saviour, and doing things that God gives him the desire of his heart to do. WOW! Thank you, Jesus, for my baby boy!
P.S. We are hoping at our next appointment, Evan will be still long enough to get a picture of his "manhood"! LOL! We could see it on the screen, but we were not able to "capture" anything this time! We will have some explaining to do later in his life. LOL!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Babies, babies, everywhere!

We took a quick trip to Parsons, Kansas on Sunday to visit Mike's Uncle Gary and Aunt Julie from North Carolina. We hadn't seen them since Thanksgiving two years ago, so Mike and I decided it was worth going.
Mike's brother C.R. and his wife, Angie, are also expecting. This will be their 3rd child and second son. While we were all sitting in the living room visiting, I told Angie that this may be the only time we have to take belly pictures of both of us being pregnant since she is due in a couple of months. SO, we took some shots! WHAT FUN!
These two babies will be born 3 months apart and will also have a cousin that is just about a year older, little Rebekkah. I am so happy that my baby will have cousins that are close in age. I didn't have that growing up. My cousin that is closest in age to me is 10 years younger. Mike has the same situation in his family, too! Sometimes I wish that I had cousins close in age to me, especially when I see how close some of my cousins are to each other. Oh, well! It is what it is! I can just be thankful that my baby will get to experience something different than mommy and daddy! AND be thankful that when we get to go visit Mike's side of the family, our kid will be entertained by being able to play with cousins his or her own age! SO FUN!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Don't worry about tomorrow.....
I had another baby appointment today. Everything is still good with the baby. We heard the heartbeat right away with the doppler instead of having to look for it (sigh of relief). The nurse told me I gained 7 pounds since my last visit. I knew I had gained weight, but 7 pounds?!! They were not alarmed, but I wasn't too happy. I am going to have to watch what I eat better this coming month. The last two appointments I hadn't really gained anything, but I guess I have now!
The doctor also talked to me about my first trimester blood tests and then the test I will get to check for diabetes. I have read up on or heard about the diabetes test. OK. No worries. Well....it appears that I have the type of blood that is the opposite of what the baby is. Right now it is not a problem because it is my first pregnancy. She said that I may have complications with future children. Of course, my thought is to not worry about future children, let's just get this one here safe and sound, but now, I am starting to fret.
I think about the verse in the Bible that says, "Do not worry about tomorrow, GOD is already there." I think and mediate on this verse just about daily. As a first time mom, you just don't want to hear, "Your immune system may harm your future children because of your blood type." As much as I want to just concentrate on this baby, I cannot help think that I want this one to have a sibling.
The doctor talked to me about the Rubella Immunization. I guess mine is not current. So, after the baby is born, I am going to receive a booster for Rubella. She says this should help with future pregnancies I may have and not to worry because this is "routine" and she "sees it all of the time". Of course, this is the first time I am hearing ANY of this, so naturally, worry sets in.
"Don't worry" I tell myself, "God is in control." Over and over again.
So, as of right now, I am going to watch what I eat better and concentrate on bringing this baby into the world happy and healthy. I can't worry about future pregnancies right now and really, I shouldn't worry about this one. God is in control and He will not give me anything I cannot handle. I just have to put my trust in Him DAILY.
The doctor also talked to me about my first trimester blood tests and then the test I will get to check for diabetes. I have read up on or heard about the diabetes test. OK. No worries. Well....it appears that I have the type of blood that is the opposite of what the baby is. Right now it is not a problem because it is my first pregnancy. She said that I may have complications with future children. Of course, my thought is to not worry about future children, let's just get this one here safe and sound, but now, I am starting to fret.
I think about the verse in the Bible that says, "Do not worry about tomorrow, GOD is already there." I think and mediate on this verse just about daily. As a first time mom, you just don't want to hear, "Your immune system may harm your future children because of your blood type." As much as I want to just concentrate on this baby, I cannot help think that I want this one to have a sibling.
The doctor talked to me about the Rubella Immunization. I guess mine is not current. So, after the baby is born, I am going to receive a booster for Rubella. She says this should help with future pregnancies I may have and not to worry because this is "routine" and she "sees it all of the time". Of course, this is the first time I am hearing ANY of this, so naturally, worry sets in.
"Don't worry" I tell myself, "God is in control." Over and over again.
So, as of right now, I am going to watch what I eat better and concentrate on bringing this baby into the world happy and healthy. I can't worry about future pregnancies right now and really, I shouldn't worry about this one. God is in control and He will not give me anything I cannot handle. I just have to put my trust in Him DAILY.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Recalling my first trimester of pregnancy
I felt so horrible during my first trimester of pregnancy, that I didn't really write anything down from it. I remember most of what happened, though, so I thought I would document it now so I don't forget.
I took the pregnancy test the morning of December 12. We had gone out to eat with my Grandma, Aunt Janet, Cousin Sarah, my sister Amy, and my parents the night before at Teds. I ate a bowl of Chicken Tortilla soup. I remember telling my mom how tired I was and I hadn't felt that great either. I don't remember if I told her I may take a pregnancy test the next morning or not.
I got up around 9am and went to do my normal duty, except this time I took the pregnancy test. I didn't even really look at it because I was so used to them saying "not pregnant" and I honestly thought this one would not be different. When I noticed it said "pregnant" I flipped and yelled at to my hubby from the toilet, "MIKE, IT DOESN'T SAY "NOT"!! " He had no idea that I was even planning on taking the test that morning. He was like, "What are you talking about?!" I yelled, "WE'RE PREGNANT!!" I know, great way to tell my husband he is going to be a dad. I still feel bad about it. I'll do better next time. :)
I wanted to call my mom right away and tell her, but I wanted just HER and my dad to know and I knew there were relatives at their house. So, Mike and I decided to wait until we had our first DR. appointment to confirm the pregnancy and then we would tell our families at Christmas.
December 18, 2009 was our first doctors appointment. They did an ultrasound and found our little bean. We found out I was six weeks a long, we heard the heartbeat, and our tentative due date is somewhere between August 9 and 14 of 2010. TONS of emotions filled my heart and head. SIX weeks and a heartbeat already!! GOD, YOU ARE SO AWESOME!!
December 25, 2009 was when we told my parents and the rest of my family we were expecting. We got a picture of our first sonogram and put it in a "grandparents" frame and gave it to my parents for Christmas. They were SO excited to say the least! We told Mike's family when we saw them around Christmas time.
January 15, 2010 was our second appointment. Everything still looked good, but they couldn't pick up the heartbeat with the doppler. I got another ultrasound and little bean looked more like a baby this time. :) We saw the heartbeat on the screen and watched the baby squirm. This was also the appointment that got me upset with the doctor's office. The ladies downstairs were rude while taking my blood. I am over it now. :)
February 15, 2010 was my third appointment. Mike couldn't go with me this time, so my mom and dad went with me. We all heard the heartbeat on the doppler this time. It was so amazing! I was concentrating on it and the doctor said I didn't look too happy. I was thrilled about it and I told her I was just concentrating because it wasn't a sound I got to hear very often! Then we heard a strange "pow!" sound. "That was a kick" the doctor told us. I hadn't felt anything! LOL!
Weird dreams I have had to date:
I had a dream my baby was so ugly that nobody wanted to touch him or her.
Another weird dream I had was that my baby was born with moles all over it.
I dreamt that my baby was born to another woman and had no idea who I was.
Weird cravings I have had:
I HAD to have a heath bar mix from Braums. I made my cousin Jared go get me one in the ice. He didn't mind, he had just gotten his license and wanted the practice! lol!
I craved grilled cheese and scrambled eggs one night and then another night I HAD to have macaroni and cheese and a baked potato. :)
I have also craved Rasberry Sherbet. I craved this for a couple of weeks. I had Mike take me to like three or four different Braums until I found it. I have also craved lots of different fruits, fried chicken, and cheese covered tator tots.
I think this pretty much sums up my first trimester. I was nauseated a WHOLE lot and only threw up once. I threw up while at Mike's twin brother's house after seeing Avatar and eating movie theater popcorn. NOT FUN!
I took the pregnancy test the morning of December 12. We had gone out to eat with my Grandma, Aunt Janet, Cousin Sarah, my sister Amy, and my parents the night before at Teds. I ate a bowl of Chicken Tortilla soup. I remember telling my mom how tired I was and I hadn't felt that great either. I don't remember if I told her I may take a pregnancy test the next morning or not.
I got up around 9am and went to do my normal duty, except this time I took the pregnancy test. I didn't even really look at it because I was so used to them saying "not pregnant" and I honestly thought this one would not be different. When I noticed it said "pregnant" I flipped and yelled at to my hubby from the toilet, "MIKE, IT DOESN'T SAY "NOT"!! " He had no idea that I was even planning on taking the test that morning. He was like, "What are you talking about?!" I yelled, "WE'RE PREGNANT!!" I know, great way to tell my husband he is going to be a dad. I still feel bad about it. I'll do better next time. :)
I wanted to call my mom right away and tell her, but I wanted just HER and my dad to know and I knew there were relatives at their house. So, Mike and I decided to wait until we had our first DR. appointment to confirm the pregnancy and then we would tell our families at Christmas.
December 18, 2009 was our first doctors appointment. They did an ultrasound and found our little bean. We found out I was six weeks a long, we heard the heartbeat, and our tentative due date is somewhere between August 9 and 14 of 2010. TONS of emotions filled my heart and head. SIX weeks and a heartbeat already!! GOD, YOU ARE SO AWESOME!!
December 25, 2009 was when we told my parents and the rest of my family we were expecting. We got a picture of our first sonogram and put it in a "grandparents" frame and gave it to my parents for Christmas. They were SO excited to say the least! We told Mike's family when we saw them around Christmas time.
January 15, 2010 was our second appointment. Everything still looked good, but they couldn't pick up the heartbeat with the doppler. I got another ultrasound and little bean looked more like a baby this time. :) We saw the heartbeat on the screen and watched the baby squirm. This was also the appointment that got me upset with the doctor's office. The ladies downstairs were rude while taking my blood. I am over it now. :)
February 15, 2010 was my third appointment. Mike couldn't go with me this time, so my mom and dad went with me. We all heard the heartbeat on the doppler this time. It was so amazing! I was concentrating on it and the doctor said I didn't look too happy. I was thrilled about it and I told her I was just concentrating because it wasn't a sound I got to hear very often! Then we heard a strange "pow!" sound. "That was a kick" the doctor told us. I hadn't felt anything! LOL!
Weird dreams I have had to date:
I had a dream my baby was so ugly that nobody wanted to touch him or her.
Another weird dream I had was that my baby was born with moles all over it.
I dreamt that my baby was born to another woman and had no idea who I was.
Weird cravings I have had:
I HAD to have a heath bar mix from Braums. I made my cousin Jared go get me one in the ice. He didn't mind, he had just gotten his license and wanted the practice! lol!
I craved grilled cheese and scrambled eggs one night and then another night I HAD to have macaroni and cheese and a baked potato. :)
I have also craved Rasberry Sherbet. I craved this for a couple of weeks. I had Mike take me to like three or four different Braums until I found it. I have also craved lots of different fruits, fried chicken, and cheese covered tator tots.
I think this pretty much sums up my first trimester. I was nauseated a WHOLE lot and only threw up once. I threw up while at Mike's twin brother's house after seeing Avatar and eating movie theater popcorn. NOT FUN!
Friday, March 12, 2010
OK. I am a horrible person! I have not updated this blog in almost a year! LOL!
Lots and lots has happend since my first blog. We are now pregnant and I am in my 18th week. I have been busy substitute teaching and teaching piano lessons. Mike is working full time at FedEx and is working on a Masters Degree at OU. I KNOW, I KNOW... who would have thought that I would marry someone who goes to OU! Anyway, I am going to do the best that I can in keeping this blog updated! Thanks for reading!
Lots and lots has happend since my first blog. We are now pregnant and I am in my 18th week. I have been busy substitute teaching and teaching piano lessons. Mike is working full time at FedEx and is working on a Masters Degree at OU. I KNOW, I KNOW... who would have thought that I would marry someone who goes to OU! Anyway, I am going to do the best that I can in keeping this blog updated! Thanks for reading!
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