Spring is in full swing at the Lewis house. There is never a dull moment! I am back to subbing pretty much every day now and my husband is finishing up his Spring Semester of school. He still has about a month to go. Mike finished the painting of our guest bathroom about a week ago and I am still working on finishing touches. The next project is the kitchen. The above pictures show the before and after. I took pics of the whole process, but for viewing sake I chose just these few.
I have also decided to change doctors this month. After lots of consideration and prayer, Mike and I decided it was best for us and our baby to change doctors and deliver at another hospital. I was going to deliver at Lakeside Women's Hospital, but decided to go to Mercy Hospital instead. We had been having some issues with Lakeside, such as, not good bedside manner from the nurses and the accountants getting our bills wrong. My last appointment we were told that we would hear from the doctor herself or one of her nurses the Monday following our first ultrasound. As I am sitting here typing this, I still have not heard ANYTHING about my son's first ultrasound. I assume no news is good news, BUT, don't tell me something is going to happen and then it doesn't. If you tell me I am going to get a phone call, that is what I expect to happen. So, Dr. Doeden will not deliver my baby (even though I LOVE her), he will be delivered at Mercy by Dr. Goff.
Also, we are playing the "name game" now. Our original decision was to name the baby Evan Michael if it was a boy and Emily Marie if it was a girl. Well, we were told we are having a boy, but now mommy doesn't know if she REALLY wants to name her son Evan. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the name, but I hear other names I like too...such as Easton. So now, mommy, daddy, and anyone else who puts in their two sense are trying to come up with a name we like better than Evan. I'm almost POSITIVE that we will go with the first name that we liked and we still call the baby Evan, but you know how mommy likes to "shop around"! So, eventually this baby will have a name and not be going through an identity crisis...poor little guy!
Bathroom looks great!!