Thursday, April 22, 2010

Something on my Heart...

Just these past few months, especially with having a baby on the way, I have really been thinking about priorities. This includes God, family, work, friends, etc. and I am really, not struggling, but just questioning myself on what is important to me in my life.

I LOVE my job! Sure, there are things about it that I don't really "like", but I enjoy what I do. I really enjoy my kids, I enjoy the people I work with, I enjoy what I teach, being able to make SOME money, and getting myself out of the house for a couple of hours! BUT, there are things that I miss out on. Like tonight. My home church (where my parents still attend church) is hosting a dinner for women, which I have to miss because I have to "work" this evening. An evening in May, some former students of mine have invited me to attend their spring band concert. I would LOVE to see these students and hear them perform, but again, it's a night that I have to work.

Again, do not get me wrong, I love what I do, but I also miss out on a lot and I question myself on if it is really worth it or not. Missing making memories with my mom with a group of wonderful ladies who I LOVE and have not seen in ages because life gets away from me. Missing out on former students' accomplishments and seeing how far they have come in the last year, which I feel that I had SOME impact on who they become...

It's just hard. Some people are willing to sacrifice EVERYTHING for their job. I guess it's because they view their job as not really a job, but their life. That is ok for some people, but not ok for me. Missing their kid's programs at school because it doesn't "fit" into the work schedule? Just one example I have heard. Not reading with your child at night because you have to make wine? Something else I have heard. Being a teacher, I have heard it ALL and it is RIDICULOUS!

Work is important. I believe in a good work ethic, I believe in doing a good job and doing the best you can at what you do. I believe God gives us talents that He wants us to use to help someone else learn and grow. God provides for us when we work. Work is good for us. It builds character, gives us a sense of pride, and God asks us to work and not be lazy. Has society placed so much emphasis on work that we have forgotten what is truly important? When did it become more important to work than to spend time with your family? To go see your child's program? To go have dinner with your mom and the church ladies? See the struggle?

I know what is important to me. I have to make some changes. Yes, I will more than likely be a working mom someday, but my family comes first. Not my job. The memories I will make with my family will last me a lifetime, while the paycheck lasts about a week. Adjustments can be made. I just pray that when the right time comes for me to go to work after Baby Lewis is born, God provides me with something that is extremely flexible. It's not even about money at all. Not at this point. God does provide when you completely trust HIM to do it. Just be faithful to Him and His word and miracles DO happen.

I challenge you to think about where your priorties are. Remember the movie CLICK? How he worked and slaved to get a head, only to miss out on what was important? I don't want to end up like that and I don't think you do, either. Take a step back, look at your life, and make sure you are doing what is important. God will show you. Just trust HIM!

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