Sunday, May 2, 2010

Very busy weekend

This was a busy weekend at the Lewis household. The hubby is off from work this week, but is studying for finals. I pray he does well. He has put a lot of time and effort into this semester and he deserves to do well. God will bless his efforts.

Mom, dad, and I went to Ponca City yesterday to watch my cousin Sarah graduate with an Associates from Northern Oklahoma College. She will continue schooling in the fall. It was a great time of celebration and another great excuse to go and visit my family!

Mom and I went today to Babies 'R Us to begin registering for a few things for little Baby Evan. I personally hate registering for stuff. I have no idea what I need and I am indecisive about what I like. I am also very overwhelmed about all the choices I have. I did register for a few things, though. I picked out a high chair and a pack and play and a few other small things...just to get started. Hopefully, as I talk to people and go to different stores, what I need and what I like will become more apparent.

Yesterday would have been my grandpa's birthday. He would have been 73. We still miss him. Tomorrow is my Uncle Brad's birthday. He is going to be 40. Strange that 40 doesn't sound so old anymore! He had to remind me at Christmas that it was my last Christmas in my 20's since I will be 30 next month! NEXT MONTH! Holy COW! It's all good! My 30's will be better than my 20's (from what I have heard).

The next few weeks will not be any slower. We have several events coming up between more graduations, wedding showers, and baby showers, weddings, and then baby! I am so excited and so scared to death at the same time. Life as I know it will be over and my heart will now be on the OUTSIDE of my body and I will worry myself sick about my little guy. OH! The pleasures of motherhood!

SO BLESSED beyond measure! Thank you, Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. The good thing about a registry is if you are undecided about a few things, say for example if you decide to formula feed and you're not sure which bottles to get, you can register for several different kinds. If you get both kinds, then you can see which ones that little Evan takes to better. I nursed, but used the avent bottles while Alex was at daycare. She used them okay, but after switching to the Playtex nursers (the ones w/ disposable liners) she did much better w/ the bottles. If you have any questions that you would like to ask me feel free to email or call. I don't mind helping you out at all. I remember being completely overwhelmed to the point I had a friend come over and help me get the diaper bag packed before Alex was born. You will be a great mom and I am so happy for you and Mike!

    (and btw I am right there with ya on the turning 30!! LOL)
