Monday, June 14, 2010

Pregnancy in a nutshell

I have had a good pregnancy. No complications. Everything has been normal and baby is healthy. I have gained weight, but it is all baby weight and should easily come off after he is here. Believe it or not, there are things I WILL miss about being pregnant. I thought that since I am thinking about it, I should make my lists!

**Ten things I will NOT miss about being pregnant:

1. Not drinking Dr. Pepper. I have not had a caffinated beverage since November and I am MISSING my Dr. Pepper.

2. Not being able to bend over. My husband is now having to put on my socks and shoes when we go walking. Makes me feel like a child.

3. Wearing out quickly..which I am told is ONLY preparing me for when he gets here.

4. Shortness of breath

5. Not being able to lay on my tummy in bed.

6. Feeling hungry ALL the time.

7. My back, legs, and feet hurting AND braxton hicks.

8. Mood swings

9. People asking me if I am having twins or asking me if I am about to pop OR giving me unsolicited advice.

10. Maternity clothes. They just DO NOT fit the same!

** Ten things I WILL miss about being pregnant:

1. Feeling his little movements.

2. Having a nap when I really need it.

3. Being able to have a day of doing absolutely NOTHING and not feeling guilty AT ALL!

4. Eating whatever I want (within reason) and not feeling guilty.

5. Knowing the feeling of how much I love someone that I have never met.

6. Little things that people do for you because you are pregnant..opening doors, lifting boxes, etc.

7. His ultrasounds

8. Hearing his heartbeat at the doctor.

9. Sleeping all night...although this has not really happend since I was about 10 weeks along!

10. Watching my tummy move all around.

I am sure that the blessing of him being here will melt away all these emotions I am having, only to bring about new ones!! I just can hardly wait!

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