Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Birthing Classes

We started our birthing class this evening. Pretty uneventful. The powerpoint wasn't up and running, so we read through a few pages of our booklet, discussed the onset of labor, how the baby is supposed to come out, and what happens if baby is not in correct position to come out. The nurse talked to us about timing contractions, water breakage, and the 3 stages of labor. We also learned about different exercises to do in order to prepare our body for labor. We have homework this week. We are to read in our books and I am to start the exercises.

The last few weeks have been busy with working, my cousin Kali's graduation, Memorial Day, our nephew Layton being born, and preparing for cousin Sarah's wedding, then baby. We were supposed to go to Kansas this weekend to visit Layton, but he ended up getting very sick and was in the hospital over Memorial Day weekend. He is doing much better now and is home. We were also supposed to have Mike's twin brother's family at our house, but that didn't work out, either. We went to my grandma's the Sunday before Memorial Day, went to church with the family, had lunch, went to grandpas' grave, great-grandpa's grave, then came home. Pretty uneventful. So now, my house is pretty spotless, I'm done with work for now, but surprisingly, I am not finding myself getting bored.

This weekend should be pretty slow, but then the following weekends will be packed with wedding showers, baby showers, birthdays, etc. so I am going to relish in the rest and relaxation while I can. I did find a dress for my cousin's wedding, so I am pretty pumped about that. Just hoping now that Little Man Lewis will stay in there long enough for me to be able to wear it!

Baby is moving around A LOT more lately. I LOVE it! We can now see him move through my belly. We bought a video camera so hopefully we can catch some of the movement on film. I need to take my monthly belly picture...SOON! We also have scheduled his 3-D ultrasound pictures, maternity pictures, and then newborn pics when he gets here. These few months have been the slowest, yet fastest months I have ever had in my life. Does that even make sense? It seems like forever until he will be here, but it's not really that long. I am 30 weeks this week! There is LOTS to do and I am sitting here blogging! lol! I know I will appreciate it one of these days!

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